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Effective Date: 11/2/2020

Spring Education Group, Inc. and its subsidiaries (“Spring Education Group,” “we,” or “us”) respect and value your privacy. As part of our commitment to use the information you share with us responsibly, we want you to be familiar with how we collect, use, and disclose information relating to you, your computer, or your device and that enables your identification (“Personal Information”).

This Privacy and Cookie Notice (this “Notice”)描述了我们如何处理我们通过您访问本通知时所使用的由我们运营和控制的每个网站或应用程序(“Site”). This Notice does not apply to information that we collect offline, such as over the telephone or in person. By using the Site, you agree to the terms and conditions of this Notice.


a. What You Give Us

本网站的某些部分可能要求您提交个人信息,以便您可以从指定的功能中受益或参与某项活动. For example, you may voluntarily provide Personal Information to us in the following ways:

  • Application Forms: We collect the Personal Information you voluntarily provide when you complete an application form on the Site. This information may include your name, street address, email address, telephone number, employer, the name, birth date, and gender of the child that is applying, and academic information regarding that child.
  • Contact Us Forms: If you contact us, we collect the information that you provide on the “contact us” form available on the Site.
  • Registration for an Account: If you register for an account with us, we will collect the information that you voluntarily provide when registering, which will include your username and password.
  • Employment Applications: Some areas of the Site may allow you to submit information related to job opportunities with Spring Education Group.
  • Forums: If you participate in message boards, blogs, or chat features, we receive any Personal Information you reveal in those forums.

We may combine Personal Information you submit through the Site with other information we have collected from you, whether on-line or off-line. We treat the combined information in accordance with this Notice.

b. Information from Use of the Site

Through your use of the Site, 我们也可能收集有关您使用本网站的信息,这些信息不能直接识别您的身份,但可能识别您的计算机或设备. Generally, this information is collected through what we refer to herein as “Traffic Data.” We may collect and store such Traffic Data automatically whenever you interact with the Site. For example, we may collect your IP address, the hostname of your computer, browser information and reference site domain name every time you use the Site. We may collect information regarding user traffic patterns and Site usage. This Traffic Data does not, however, contain anything that can personally identify you, though it may identify your computer or device; it is used to analyze and improve the Site, to provide you with a better experience on the Site, and to show you advertisements tailored to you. Please see Section 4 below for more information about our use of cookies and other technologies.

c. Data about Children

The Site is not directed to children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information through the Site from children under the age of 13. 我们保留删除通过本网站提供的13岁以下儿童的任何信息的权利.

d. Sensitive Information

Unless we specifically request or invite it, we ask that you not send or otherwise disclose to us your racial or ethnic origin, political affiliations or opinions, health information, or criminal background. In those cases where we may request or invite you to provide the foregoing information, we will only do so in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. Where you provide us with such information without being requested to do so by Spring Education Group, we reserve the right (but do not have any obligation) to erase such information at our discretion.


我们将您提交的个人信息或通过本网站收集的个人信息用于本通知中所述的目的,以及在收集时向您另行说明的目的. Generally, we use the information you provide for the reason for which it was provided. For example, if you contact us by e-mail, 我们将使用您提供的个人信息来回答您的问题或解决您的问题,并将回复您发出联系的电子邮件地址. We may also use Personal Information about you as specifically described below:

  • Requests, Inquiries, and Applications: We may use your Personal Information to process, evaluate, and respond to your requests, inquiries, and applications. So, if you provide us with information to schedule a tour, we will use the information you provide for that purpose. If you request certain information from us, we will use your Personal Information to process and respond to your request. If you fill out an application form on the Site, 我们可能会将您在网站上提供的个人信息与我们离线收到的有关您或您孩子的信息结合起来处理申请.
  • Use of Parent and Student Portals: If you are a parent or student and have a registered account, we may use your Personal Information to allow you access to our parent and student portals.
  • Manage Our Relationship with You: We may use your Personal Information to send you important information regarding our relationship with you or regarding the Site, such as information about changes to our terms, conditions, policies, and other administrative information. If your child is enrolled in the school, we also use Personal Information to manage your family’s relationship with the school. Further, we may use Personal Information to contact you about special events, school news, or your child’s academic progress.
  • Access to Interactive Features: We use your Personal Information to allow you to participate in interactive features of the Site, when you choose to do so, such as online message boards, blogs, and chat features.
  • Internal Business Purposes: We may use your Personal Information for internal business purposes, including without limitation, to help us operate, evaluate, and improve the quality of the Site; to better understand those individuals that utilize the Site; to verify your identity; to prevent, protect against, identify, or address fraud, unauthorized activity, claims, liabilities, and other wrongdoing; to provide you with customer service; and to generally manage our business.
  • Employment: If you provide Personal Information to apply for a job with Spring Education Group, we may use the Personal Information you provide to evaluate your job application, consider you for that job or for similar jobs in the future, and contact you regarding possible employment.
  • Online Advertising: We may use Traffic Data for marketing and advertising purposes, including determining appropriate advertising channels and venues to place ads, placing advertising on such channels and venues, measuring and managing the effectiveness of our advertising and marketing, and performing market research and data analytics. To learn more about how we use Traffic Data for interest-based advertising, please see Sections 4 and 5 of this Notice.
  • Legal Requirements, Industry Standards, and Contractual Obligations: We may use your Personal Information for complying with and enforcing applicable legal requirements, industry standards, and our contractual obligations.

We may use non-personal information or aggregate information that does not identify an individual without restriction, and we may share such information with third parties.


We may share your Personal Information only as described in this Notice or as otherwise described to you at the point of collection.

  • Affiliates: We may share your Personal Information with our affiliates for purposes consistent with this Notice. Our affiliates will be bound to maintain that Personal Information in accordance with this Notice.
  • Agents, Consultants, and Service Providers: We may share your Personal Information with individuals or companies that we hire to provide services to us, such as website hosting services.
  • Forums: 通过我们的学生门户网站参加现场课程或留言板的学生将与其他参加这些课程或留言板的学生共享个人信息. Parents may participate in message boards, blogs, and chat features. 请注意,如果您使用这些论坛,您将向论坛的其他用户披露个人信息,我们无法控制这些其他用户是否会进一步使用或披露与他们共享的任何个人信息.
  • Business Transfers: We may transfer your Personal Information in the event of a business sale, merger, consolidation, change in control, transfer of substantial assets, bankruptcy, liquidation, or reorganization. We may also disclose your Personal Information in the course of due diligence of such a transaction. 您承认并同意,春季教育集团(或其资产)的任何继承人或收购者将继续有权使用您的个人信息和其他信息. 在这些情况下,您的个人信息的接收者是否会根据本通知处理您的个人信息将取决于适用的法律和其他因素.
  • Legal Requirements: We use and disclose Personal Information as we believe to be necessary or appropriate: (i) under applicable law, including laws outside your country of residence; (ii) to comply with legal process; (iii) to respond to requests from public and government authorities, including public and government authorities outside your country of residence; (iv) to enforce our terms and conditions; (v) to protect our operations or those of any of our affiliates; (vi) to protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property, and/or that of our affiliates, you, or others; and (vii) to allow us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages that we may sustain.
  • Passively Collected Information: We may share Traffic Data that does not identify you directly, but may identify your computer or device, as described in Sections 4 and 5 of this Notice.


As you navigate the Site, certain Traffic Data may be passively collected, meaning it is gathered without your actively providing it. This is done using the following technologies in the following ways:

Through your browser: Certain information is collected by most browsers, such as your Media Access Control (MAC) address, computer type and operating system type and version screen resolution, and Internet browser type and version.

Through your device: If you access the Site through a mobile device or other network-connected product, certain information may be collected about that device, including your device type, network service provider, and other identifiers. 我们可能会收集与您用于访问本网站的设备相关联的唯一设备标识符(例如IDFA和AID标签以及UUID和UDID标识符).

Using cookies: Cookies are pieces of information stored directly on the computer you are using. Cookies allow us to collect information such as browser type, time spent on the Site, pages visited, and language preferences. We and our service providers use this information for security purposes, to facilitate navigation, display information more effectively, and to personalize your experience while using the Site. More specifically, we use cookies to:

  • recognize your computer or device to make your use of the Site easier, such as to remember your locations of interest and other preferences with the Site;
  • gather statistical information about use of the Site in order to continually improve its design and functionality, understand how individuals use it, and to assist us with resolving questions regarding it;
  • 选择最可能吸引您的广告或优惠,并在您访问本网站或其他网站时显示这些广告或优惠, applications, and online services that you use; and
  • track consumer responses to online advertisements. To learn more about cookies, please visit http://www.allaboutcookies.org.

Should you view any embedded YouTube video on the Site, please be aware that YouTube applies its own cookies. For further information regarding their policies, please refer to the Google privacy policy.

Using Monitoring Tools: Cookies are not the only way to recognize or track visitors to a website. We may use other, similar technologies from time to time, 比如网络信标(有时被称为“跟踪像素”或“清晰的gif”),以便更好地定制网站,以提供更好的服务. These are tiny graphics files that contain a unique identifier that enable us to recognize when someone has visited our Site. These technologies usually work in conjunction with cookies. To disable cookies used on our Site,
and therefore any other tracking technologies that work in conjunction with these cookies, please follow
the instructions below.

IP Address: Your IP Address is a number that is automatically assigned to the computer that you are using by your internet service provider. An IP Address is identified and logged automatically in our server log files whenever a user visits the Site, along with the time of the visit and the page(s) that were visited. Collecting IP Addresses is standard practice on the Internet and is done automatically by many online service providers, including website operators. We use IP Addresses for purposes such as calculating Site usage levels, helping diagnose server problems, and administering the Site.

Social Media Plug-Ins: We use social media plug-ins from social media networks like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter, which are labeled on our Site with the well-known symbols of the respective social network. If you interact with these plug-ins, your activity on the Site will also be made available to those social networks. To understand how those social networks use and disclose your Personal Information, please review the privacy policies available on the websites of those social networks.

Analytic Tools: We also use tools and third-party services to collect information about usage of the Site, including Google Analytics. To learn more, please consult the Google privacy policy. Google Analytics collects information on how often users visit the Site, what aspects of the Site they visit when they do so, and what other websites users visited prior to accessing the Site. You may prevent your data from
being collected and used by Google Analytics by opting out through the use of the Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-On.

Our Site currently does not respond to “Do Not Track” (DNT) signals and operate as described in this
Notice whether a DNT signal is received, as there is no consistent industry standard for compliance.

Although our use of passive collection technologies may change over time as technology evolves, 以上描述旨在为您提供有关我们目前从被动技术收集信息的方法的更多详细信息.


我们可能会收集有关您在本网站的在线活动的信息,以便为您提供适合您个人兴趣的广告. We also may obtain information for this purpose from third-party websites on which our ads are served. This section of our Notice provides details and explains how to exercise your choices.

您可能会在其他网站上看到某些广告,因为我们与广告合作伙伴(包括广告网络)合作进行再营销和重新定位活动. Our advertising partners allow us to target our messaging to users through demographic, interest-based and contextual means. These partners track your online activities over time and across websites by collecting information through automated means, including use of third-party cookies, web server logs, and web beacons. They use this information to show you advertisements that may be tailored to your individual interests. 我们的广告合作伙伴可能收集的信息包括您访问参与相关广告网络的网站的数据, such as the pages or advertisements you view and the actions you take on the websites. This data collection takes place both on our Site and on third-party websites that participate in the ad networks. This process also helps us track the effectiveness of our marketing efforts. For example, 我们利用某些广告合作伙伴的定向广告服务,根据您之前对本网站的访问和其他在线活动,在其他网站上向您展示我们的广告.

前提是广告合作伙伴参与行业开发的计划,该计划旨在为消费者提供是否接收目标广告的选择, you also may opt out of ad network interest-based advertising generally through the Network Advertising Initiative or the Digital Advertising Alliance.


We take what we believe to be reasonable steps to protect the Personal Information collected by us from loss, misuse, unauthorized use, access, inadvertent disclosure, alteration, and destruction. However, no network, server, database, or Internet or e-mail transmission is ever fully secure, error- free, or “hacker proof.” Therefore, you should take special care in deciding what information you provide to us. Please keep this in mind when disclosing any Personal Information.


We generally retain Personal Information for so long as it may be relevant to the purposes above, or for longer when required by law. To dispose of Personal Information, we may anonymize it, delete it, or take other appropriate steps. Even if we delete your Personal Information, it may persist on backup or archival media for an additional time period for legal, tax, or regulatory reasons, or for legitimate and lawful business purposes.


Spring Education Group is based in the United States. 上述第3条所述的个人信息披露的接收者可能位于美国或世界其他地方. Privacy laws in these countries may not provide protections equivalent to those of your country of residence, and your government may or may not deem such protections adequate. If we transfer personal data outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) or the UK, we take legally required steps to make sure that the appropriate safeguards are in place to protect your Personal Information.


a. Opt-Out from Direct Electronic Communications

Where it is in accordance with your preferences, Spring Education Group may send you direct electronic communications, such as through email or text message. You may “opt-out” of receiving these electronic communications by following the instructions in the message that you receive, or by sending an e-mail to [email protected] indicating which communications you no longer wish to receive. Note that if you are a parent of a student enrolled at the school, we may still send certain administrative messages to you by email that relate to the student’s relationship with the school.

b. Opt-Out from Cookie-Related Processing and Interest-Based Advertising

You can opt-out from certain cookie-related processing and interest-based advertising as described in
Sections 4 and 5 of this Notice.

c. How You Can Access, Update, Correct, or Delete Your Personal Information

If you would like to submit a data access, correction, restriction, or deletion request, you can do so by contacting us at [email protected] 我们将根据您提供给我们的信息,就我们能够链接到您个人的任何个人信息处理此类请求. If you choose to delete or restrict the use of your Personal Information, you may not be able to use certain functionality on the Site or to be enrolled at the school. 根据我们的政策和适用法律,您对个人信息的这些权利和选择受限制和例外情况的约束. In addition to those rights, if you live in certain jurisdictions, you have the right to submit a complaint to your relevant supervisory authority. However, we encourage you to contact us first at [email protected] and we will try to resolve your concerns.

d. Notice to California Residents

California residents should review the Privacy Notice for California Residents for information about their rights.


本网站可能包含指向其他网站的链接,以方便用户查找可能感兴趣的信息或服务. If you access a third-party website from a link on the Site, any information you disclose on that website is not subject to this Notice. It is possible that these links may be used by third parties or others to collect personal or other information about you. Spring Education Group is not responsible for the privacy practices of such websites, advertisers, or third parties or the content of such websites. Spring Education Group does not control these third parties’ use of cookies, collection of information, or how they manage such information. It is solely your obligation to review and understand the privacy practices and policies of these other websites, advertisers and any third parties.


The business and operations of Spring Education Group may change from time to time. As a result, at times it may be necessary for us to make changes to this Notice to reflect changes in the law, our data handling practices, or the features of our services, websites, and apps. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to update or modify this Notice at any time. Modifications to this Notice will be posted here and the new Effective Date will be displayed at the top of this Notice. In certain circumstances, Spring Education Group may, but need not, provide you with additional notice of such modifications, such as via e-mail. Modifications will be effective 30 days following the Effective Date, or such other date as communicated in any other notice to you. Where required by applicable law, we will apply changes only with your consent.

Please review this Notice periodically, and especially before you provide any Personal Information. This Notice was updated on the date indicated above. Your continued participation in our programs, services, and events following the effectiveness of any modifications to this Notice constitutes your acceptance of those modifications. If any modification to this Notice is not acceptable to you, you should cease accessing, browsing, and otherwise utilizing Spring Education Group’s website, as well as its programs, services, and events.


If you have any questions regarding this Notice or the use of your Personal Information under this
Notice, you can contact us at:

Spring Education Group
Home Office East
1615 West Chester Pike, Suite 200
West Chester, PA 19382
[email protected]